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Aplikacija, ki omogoča vsem drugim aplikacijam TVout. Zaenkrat še v razvoju a obeta. V nadaljevanju slike.

Zelo preprost uporabniški vmesnik. Deluje seveda s TVout kablom za iPhone. Aplikacija na voljo za Jailbreakane naprave. Še vedno ima nekaj napak:

- Support for displaying SpringBoard and the statusbar via TV-out is currently disabled.
- Certain OpenGL-based applications (such as Google Earth) do not display properly.
- OpenGL-based applications do not work when a background image is set
- Applications that already support TV-out (iPod, YouTube) also have issues with background images; they also fail to play video if the application itself (and not just the video window) is set to use the TV display.

Več tukaj.

lp,m I'm reading: TVOut za vse iPhone aplikacijeTwitni tole!

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