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mac novice, mac nasveti in mac testi programov
"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. " Steve Jobs

Apple baza znanja na

Danes zjutraj, ko sem se zbudil sem zagledal na twitterju, da ljudje že neki govorijo o odklepu,... Odhitel sem na in glejga zlomka, res je. Dev-tem nam je poklonil ultrasn0w. Za vse tiste, ki ne veste kaj je ultrasn0w, to je programček, ki omogoča odklep iPhona 3G (ne Jailbreak - odklep!). Navodila v nadaljevanju.

Ultrasn0w for iPhone 3G is ready!

1.Ensure you have upgraded to iPhone OS 3.0
2.Jailbreak your iPhone 3G using redsn0w or PwnageTool (this will also install Cydia/Icy)
3.Run Cydia or Icy
4.Please add the repo to Cydia or icy
5.Search for ‘ultrasn0w’ in cydia or icy and install ultrasn0w
6.Reboot your iPhone 3G
7.T-Mobile USA users should disable 3G before using ultrasn0w


I'm reading: ultrasn0w je zunaj!Twitni tole!

1 komentarji

  1. Anonimni  

    Hvala za intiresnuyu iformatsiyu

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